Innes & Tamara are my two lovely nieces who are visiting us right now. They have been frozen for couple of days considering that coming in Toronto from the sunny Miami it’s big temperature deference. However that doesn’t stop Innes my younger niece to keep doing what she love to do and what she is
In House Photo Session
For a long time waiting the winter to end now once the spring is here, rain comes. In those rainy days I took the opportunities to explore my house and discover some very nice forms and shape that never will be noticed if I did not have time for them. Nice shapes with some extra
Thomas Dirty Hands
As every boy wants his hands to make them dirty in sand or whatever can make them dirty. Thomas is one of them. This photo is taken by Jenn and edited by DA Photography. Perfect close up look onto dirtiness of child hands during his joyful play. 5,580