Dragi’s Journey: Get in the Picture

This post is long over due. We’ve been thinking about this topic for quite some time. Around this time last year, The Huffington Post published an article called The Mom Stays in the Picture by Allison Tate that highlights an epidemic among parents: being a Behind the Scenes Parent. This article is centred around moms and their aversion to the camera but really, depending on the family dynamic, both parents may be affected. Our favorite quote from the article is:
“But we really need to make an effort to get in the picture. Our sons need to see how young and beautiful and human their mamas were. Our daughters need to see us vulnerable and open and just being ourselves — women, mamas, people living lives. Avoiding the camera because we don’t like to see our own pictures? How can that be okay?”
Dragi and Dorian Proud Parent - Family Photography by DA Photography
When do you feel vulnerable? Think of someone staring at you. Their eyes are locked on you and what is the first thing that comes to mind? Is there something wrong with me? Is there something in my nose? Well, let’s try ramping up that anxious feeling by 200%! Adding in a photographer that you just met and a camera lens that picks up every “flaw” can be worrisome. Not to mention the ability of PhotoShop to get all up in your business during the editing process. While all of this might sound daunting, I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be!
Baby Fun with Daddy - Family Photography by DA Photography
As a photographer I see it all and I maintain a highly professional attitude when it comes to the insecurities we hold onto when having our photo taken. I don’t believe anyone has flaws. Any imperfections you have make you even more human to me. Just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so are your imperfections. No one else sees the flaws we see in ourselves. However, if I sense that a mother is worrying about her mid-drift or dad is worried about his hairline, I will work with them in poses that help minimize these flaws in the image. The beauty of a two-dimensional photo is that you can trick the camera into only picking up or emphasizing what you want it to. This by no means guarantees that I can work miracles but, it is helpful in creating an image you can be proud of.
Baby's First Christmas - Baby Photography by DA Photography
When using PhotoShop, I take into consideration the family I’m working with. Some people really like the effects of a highly edited photo and yet, others have an outright aversion to it. The art of photography continues in the editing process. The options are endless.
Sweet Dreams - Baby Photography by DA Photography
Being a parent myself, my question to us is… If we’re working so dang hard to keep our kids healthy and (relatively) happy, why on Earth are we excluding ourselves from our “family” photos? We need our time in the limelight to celebrate all that we do! Let’s make a pact to get in front of the camera more – in all our glory, even if we have stains on our hoodies and dirty dishes in the background!
New Feet, Old Hands - Baby Photography by DA Photography

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