DA Photography first blog post

I just discover the power of blogging so I am starting with my very first blog.

The posting will be done by myself because consume a lot of time so I like to excuse myself from the beginning if there will be any grammar mistakes.This time I will be on my own. So far my wife, Stef have helped me with lot of articles but now with her new corporate job she is quite busy.

I can do the posting in other 5 languages that I know but I don’t thing I will be understood from all of my friends around the world.

The posting I will try to keep it up to date as much as I can and as much DA Photography have some news. In this posts I will share photos of DA Photography recent activities, tips and tricks, which I have learn during last 12 years of my photo experience.

There will be some video and written tutorials from myself and some world famous photographers.


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