TriOs Community College Santa Claus Portrait Session by DA Photography

The holiday season sees a rise in family portraits and occasionally, you get the chance to do something special for someone or a group of people. Such was the case with my Christmas themed photo session with Trios College in Brampton, Ontario. My life experience has taught me to expect certain things from colleges, universities

WPPI 2012 and DA Photography

Same as last year DA Photography will be traveling to MGM, Las Vegas for the annual WPPI 2012 (wedding photographers conference, seminars, classes, trade shows and much more). So excited to get some fresh ideas and gain some knowledge so we can give to our clients even more value to their photos by investing in

Smart phones & wedding ceremonies by DA Photography

I just couldn’t hide the fact that today’s smart phones are playing very big role in people’s life. They are used by any age, any place at anytime . Even during wedding ceremonies as well. Starting from bride reading her vows on iPhone to her groom. Blackberry smart phone entertains small girl during the wedding