Wedding Photographer |From Montréal, to Toronto, to New York with Ajeet and Jasmin | Sikh Wedding

Ajeet and Jasmin’s wedding holds a special place in my heart. It was an Indian Sikh wedding that I photographed in a Gurdwara, which is a place of worship and upholds the many traditions within a Sikh wedding. I’d like to say a big thank you to our neighbour and close friend Mona who brought over her wedding video beforehand to explain what the Sikh traditions are and why they’re important to her culture. She even shared tips with me on how to wrap my head in the traditional Sikh fashion to pay my respects to their religion.
Our wedding day - Sikh Indian Wedding PhotographerThe fun at the park - Sikh Indian Wedding Photographer
Me and my future husband - Sikh Indian Wedding Photographer
Jasmin and her family are from Montreal. Ajeet and his family from Toronto. The happy couple now resides in New York. Ajeet’s father Harjinder organized an engagement photo session and I was sent to New York for a day to take images of the lovely couple. The entire photo shoot was magical and the stars seemed to align at every corner. The signs in Times Square were used as a background and at one point, one sign changed to display an ad for a romantic broadway show. The engagement shoot was filled with romance and at the end of the day after we had taken all the pictures we wanted to take, it started to rain.
Indian wedding details - Sikh Indian Wedding PhotographerThe Bride 5 o'clock in the morning  - Sikh Indian Wedding PhotographerWrapping the turban Sikh ceremony - Sikh Indian Wedding Photographer
An Indian Sikh wedding is a two-day event beginning the first day with old country traditions and ceremonies in the Gurdwara, which is a place of worship. The first day was an early start at 5:00am and by 7:00am I needed to be at the groom’s house to document the tradition of wrapping the groom’s head in a turban for the upcoming ceremony. The groom’s uncle was responsible for wrapping his head while his grandmother stood to his left.
The Groom with his groomsman's - Sikh Indian Wedding PhotographerSikh Gurdwara wedding Ceremony - Indian Wedding PhotographerSikh Gurdwara wedding Ceremony, Groom's mother - Indian Wedding Photographer
As per Sikh tradition, both families meet outside the Gurwara for the Milni, meaning introductions. At this point members of both families exchange garlands of flowers and gifts. Once the introductions are finished, the families enter the Gurdwara for the ceremony.
The wedding couple car  - Indian Wedding PhotographerThe bridal party  - Indian Wedding PhotographerWedding bridal party Portrait  - Indian Wedding PhotographerWedding bridal party Portrait, time for some fun - Indian Wedding Photographer
After the ceremony, it is custom in the Indian tradition for friends of the groom to steal one of his shoe and keep it from him. The groom then pays his friends to give him the shoe back. The men run around teasing and hiding the shoe from the groom and everyone has a good laugh! At this point the groomsmen’s negotiates with bridesmaids what will take for the bride to come with the groom ?  Once the game was finished, we were ready for the photo shoot in a nearby park, Milliken, Toronto, ON. As happened during the engagement shoot, we ended the wedding day photos with rain. Just in time for us to bring the bride home and have her mother bless her upon entering. Once inside, the bride kicks a bowl of rice on the floor for good luck.
Before the rain session - Indian Wedding Photographer
Mehndi, Hanna painted bride's hands- Indian Wedding PhotographerMehndi, Hanna painted groom's hands- Indian Wedding PhotographerEntering the new house, rice ceremony - Indian Wedding Photographer
On the second day the events are more flashy, celebratory and modern. There is entertainment, speeches and dancing during the reception. During Ajeet and Jasmin’s wedding reception everyone was much more emotional. The bride’s sister and maid of honour presented a slide show of the happy couple along with a slide show of the photos I had taken the day before. The speech was especially touching and had the guests in tears.
Bridesmaids during the wedding reception - Indian Wedding PhotographerEntertainment during wedding reception - Indian Wedding Photographer
Photographing this wedding meant a couple of long days and a lot of hard work, but the entire time I was invigorated by the love and happiness surrounding me! I photographed a few Sikh weddings since and I am very thankful for the experience and the world of opportunity it given to me.
Time for us ONLY - Indian Wedding Photographer
I seem to have loved you in infinite forms, infinite times,in life after life, in age after age forever.~ Rabindarath Tagore
Photos taken by Dragi Andovski, published ©2014 DA Photography
2nd Photographer:Marie Costello
Assistant Photography: Justin Costello
Wedding Cermony Location: Gurdwara, Scarborough, ON
Wedding Reception Location: Grand Baccus Hall, Toronto, ON



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