One of the perks of being a wedding and engagement photographer is that sometimes I get the opportunity to travel outside the Greater Toronto area for a destination photo shoot. I love the GTA but, it’s always nice to escape the city and take in new sites to refresh the mind and invigorate the soul.

When Aneidah and Anson asked me to be their engagement photographer, they had their hearts set on photographing in Ottawa for their photo shoot. Ottawa is such an inviting city with plenty of access to culture and less hustle and bustle than it’s counterparts, Toronto or Montréal. A few years back I visited Ottawa as a tourist, to check the place out. My visit there wasn’t long, my wife and I had just enough time to do some site-seeing and move on to Quebec City. This time however, I explored the city thoroughly! We traveled along the Gatineau River, took photos with City Hall in the background and spent plenty of time in stop and go traffic while trying to avoid construction in the city — so much for a scenic, invigorating drive!

When shooting for a destination wedding or engagement shoot, I always do my research before I go. Usually though, the couple has been to the destination of choice and has already made up their minds as to what locations they want to be photographed at. Perhaps they met and their relationship blossomed at University in another town or maybe they want to re-visit the spot where he proposed marriage on the beach in Maui. Aneidah and Anson’s story begins with Aneidah going to school in Ottawa. During her time there, Anson told her he wanted to move there with her. She was unsure about that since he didn’t have a job lined up, but Anson insisted he could work selling cars… and he did! Ottawa holds a special place in their hearts because of this.

As a couple, Aneidah and Anson had about 20 location ideas for their photo shoot! They wanted to tie in the elements we all relate to the City of Ottawa. We took photos by the infamous tulip gardens and captured the city’s skyline in the background. There’s no need to get up-close and personal with landmark buildings to incorporate a city-feel. We were able to capture the best parts of those buildings while relaxing in a natural environment which gives the images a softer feel.

During our exploration, we found a bridge that lead to a lovely island just off the city. This island had a great park and served as a fantastic backdrop for some photos with the bride-to-be’s wedding gift from her fiancé – a new Jaguar. The weather was unseasonably cold for June and when the sun went down, we all felt the temperatures drop even more! But, the three of us committed and were determined to get a great photo of the couple on the Jaguar while the sun was setting behind them. It’s an image that I like to use in my marketing materials for my business — it’s a beautiful picture of a beautiful couple in a beautiful car!
“A gift consists not in what is done or given, but in the intention of the giver or doer.” – Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Photos taken by Dragi Andovski, published ©2013 DA Photography.

My passion and biggest asset is taking the time to make every client comfortable and relaxed before I even pick up the camera. The result? Photos of you that actually look like you at your best! I can prove to you how much you can enjoy having your picture taken. Lifestyle photography is about the experience that happens to be served up along side of some great photos.
Family Photography for families that like to move around and enjoy their photo time, Wedding Photography for couples looking for a mixture of photojournalistic, contemporary and traditional images and Professional Corporate headshots that are far from cheesy and stiff.