Tara Boyle’s Family Portrait Session by DA Photography at Bronte Park, Oakville, ON

Parents are the heart of the family and children are the soul inside it. The photo session Tara set up for her family demonstrates this in a beautiful way. Memories are a sacred entity for many families as they capture the essence of the best of their loved ones and freeze in time, the things

Chris Milborrow’s Family & New Born Portrait Session by DA Photography, Oakville, ON

This photo shoot was booked while the mother of little Sofia was still in the hospital. Any new mother is likely to be concerned with the ins and outs of the experiences their baby will go through and though it took some time before her mother Darline relaxed, she did and the love she has

Judi Grebenc’s Family Portrait Session at Gairloch Gardens, Oakville, ON

We were holding our breaths, hoping that the cloudy skies over us would clear for this family photo session in Oakville. Luckily they did and because we had a lot of fun with Judy and her family. They brought a lot of fresh energy to the session and not only were Judy and her husband