Family Photographer | Outdoor family photo locations that look great in any season | Gairloch Gardens, Oakville

The sourcing of outdoor family photo locations to suit the personality of the family is of upmost importance.

Outdoor family photo locations in Oakville

Oakville's best outdoor family photo locations

As a photographer and a father, I love working with children. When you add twins and multiples into the equation then I relish the challenge! For me the challenge is to capture a snapshot of their different personalities despite their similar appearances. People often don’t look beyond the fact they are individual people inside so I love being able to let them shine through.

Gairloch Gardens best outdoor family photo location

Outdoor photo locations in Oakville

Best outdoor family photo location Gairloch Gardens in Oakville


I first photographed Manisha’s family in the fall at Kelso, Halton Hills, when her twin boys had just turned one. It was fantastic to work with them again and to document their soon to be sibling!

An outdoor photo location that offers unique views in each season

When I was asked to recommend some outdoor family photo locations Gairloch Gardens in Oakville immediately sprung to mind. It offers so many different settings and a huge amount of space, perfect for her boys to explore! From the rocks and shoreline to the picturesque, landscaped gardens, whatever the season, it photographs well.

Family photo locations in Oakville

Family Photo Locations for Fall pictures

Family Photo Locations for summer pictures

Family Photo Locations for spring pictures

Sometimes people can be disappointed when they wake up to see an overcast day on the morning of their photo session. This worked in our favour though in Manisha’s case as it meant no one was squinting and the lighting was phenomenal. We were able to work in any space without shadows or glare and the bonus was that it kept a pregnant Manisha cool!

The joys of photographing multiples

Spring Family Photo Locations in Oakville

Summer Family Photo Locations in Oakville

Best photo locations in summer

Best photo locations in autumn

Fun Family Portrait in Oakville

The strongest shots for me where of the boys, when they were sitting alongside one another and the individual shots peeking from behind the branches. I loved that despite the obvious physical similarities, you could see their personalities shining through.

Fun Children Portrait in Oakville

Fun Kids Portrait in Oakville

Twins Portrait at Gairloch Gardens in Oakville

Twins Portrait in Oakville and their personalities

Twins Portrait in Oakville

Outdoor Family Portrait in Oakville

I also loved the unconventional family shots where they were together but not necessarily looking at the camera at the same time. It summarized the energy of the boys mixed with the love and warmth from the parents.

Outdoor Family Portrait in Oakville in Fall

Can’t wait to meet and document the new arrival and see the boys’ reaction to their sibling! Stay tuned….

Outdoor photo location in Oakville

If you want to see more, here is Manisha’s previous photo session.

Photos taken by Dragi Andovski, published ©2017 DA Photography

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