Family Photographer | Welcoming A New Hockey Fan | Georgetown, ON

Including your pets in your family photo session is a must! This lifestyle photo shoot in Georgetown shows the dog is a part of the family too.

Young family with their Canada jerseys - Family Photography by DA Photography at Georgetown, ON

A Baby and His Dog

One of my all-time favourite photos is of Laura’s baby boy sitting beside their dog. The dog is posing perfectly and her blue-eyed boy is looking slightly above my head. It’s a peaceful photo that shows how gentle their dog is with the new addition to the family. Their baby boy looks focused and content. The lighting is perfection to me and the subjects are illuminated with ease.

The little boy with his best friend, the dog - Children Photography by DA Photography at Georgetown, ON

The little boy with his big blue eyes - Children Photography by DA Photography at Georgetown, ON

Staying Inside

This entire family photo session was captured in the comfort of Laura’s home in Georgetown. It was an indoor photo shoot that allowed us the opportunity to capture their baby boy up close. He was warm, content and comfortable during the photo shoot and provided me with lots of interesting faces and smiles to capture. 

Young family casual portrait - Family Photography by DA Photography at Georgetown, ON

Mommy and her little baby boy portrait - Family Photography by DA Photography at Georgetown, ON

The casual portrait of the little baby boy - Children Photography by DA Photography at Georgetown, ON

Daddy and his little baby boy portrait - Family Photography by DA Photography at Georgetown, ON

Keeping Hockey Alive

Both Laura and her husband are avid hockey fans and he’s a referee. Passing on their love for hockey to their baby boy is important to Laura and her husband. We’re all born into our families not knowing what’s before us. Whether it’s hockey, soccer, fishing or video games, we all have interests that help define and shape us. Laura’s boy will learn a lot from his exposure to hockey — how to work as a team, how to follow rules of play, and so much more. This great Canadian past time will give the family a reason to come together on Saturday nights in front of the TV with snacks and a hope to win. 

Young family with their Canada jerseys having fun- Family Photography by DA Photography at Georgetown, ON

The little hokey referee - Family Photography by DA Photography at Georgetown, ON

The little hokey referee in action - Family Photography by DA Photography at Georgetown, ON

The little hokey referee with his "small" jersey - Family Photography by DA Photography at Georgetown, ON

A Grandparents’ Love

Laura and her husband are lucky to have parents that spoil their baby boy. While I was there to photograph baby, his grandparents were there to help out as well. The love they have for their grandson is precious and full of hope. I love photographing grandparents with kids. The reason being, both generations are comfortable in front of the camera. Grandparents are happy to spend time with their grandkids and relish in their energy. The kids generally don’t know what’s going on and just go with the flow. Neither generation is self-conscious about how they look which means the smiles come naturally. 

Grandparents - grandchild fun - Family Photography by DA Photography at Georgetown, ON

Another Baby!

As this post is published, I will have met with Laura and her family again to welcome a new addition to their family! Parents plus dog, plus toddler, plus new baby equals 5! Congratulations to Laura and her family on their latest addition and newest hockey fan. 

The little baby portrait - Children Photography by DA Photography at Georgetown, ON


Photos taken by Dragi Andovski, published ©2015 DA Photography
Location(s): Private Property, Georgetown, ON

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