How to plan your Oakville family photos from abroad with family of five

Planning your Oakville family photos while being outside of the country can be hard. However, it’s absolutely not impossible! Sharihan’s family photo session proves this point perfectly. While searching online for professional photographers in the Brampton area, Sharihan discovered my work. She knew the struggles that a young family can experience during a family photo

Maternity photo session reveals the glow of a mother-to-be | Gairloch Gardens, Oakville, ON

The maternity photo sessions I perform are usually with my past wedding couples. Not saying that I don’t like to photograph maternity sessions with new clients. However, I feel that for this kind of work you have to really know your client upfront so that the connection is on the highest level. A genuine connection

Smiles radiated as this family documented their grown up selves in these Gairloch Gardens photos | Oakville, ON

Having the opportunity to document the transition of young adults as they find their way in the world is an honour. Family portrait sessions aren’t restricted to younger children. Sonia’s family discovered exactly this during their Gairloch Gardens photos. Sonia approached me wanting to organize something special for her parents. In reflection, she and her