Jovana, Filip & Kalina’s Photo Shoot

One month ago Kalina had her christening and DA Photography have already photograph this event. Sofija, Kalina’s mother wanted to have some photos of just the kids playing and having fun. I was trilled to work and play with them together with thier cousin Jovana. A lot of fun, giggle and happy faces. More photos of this session can be view at DA Photography online photo gallery.


3 thoughts on “Jovana, Filip & Kalina’s Photo Shoot

  1. Jas stvarno nemam komentari, osven da ti se zblagodaram za celiot trud sto go vlozi za nas, krstevkata, portretite, biznis kartata itd…….
    Pozdrav se slusame i gledame.


  2. Fala Sofija na komentarite. Bas mi e milo sto ste zadovolni i toa e mojata najgolema satisfakcija. Se nadevam ce ostaneme vo kontakt.


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