Kalina’s Christening

It’s always fun and pleasure taking photos of newborn babies. This time I have the privilege to take photos of Kalina 6 months old baby. She was christening on Sunday April 25th 2010 in St. Ilija, Macedonian Orthodox Church in Mississauga Ontario, Canada.

I enjoy taking photos of here and her family same as they enjoy the feeling of the photos while they are viewing Kalina’s Storybook.

More photos of this event you can find at DA Photography online photo gallery with your client login password.


2 thoughts on “Kalina’s Christening

  1. Dad & son Looking eachother loughing has so much love n emotional moment at the same time mom has attraction lough different direction may divide the value of pic !
    any i like the picture i enjoying visiting ur site n learning too thanks Dragi Best of lick .

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